Covid-19 Big Data Analytics 2020-2022:
DKA and DKG Previous Releases



Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel
Israel has been ranked first in the Covid-19 Health Safety Countries Ranking on the Deep Knowledge Group website.

Hong Nam-ki
Deputy Prime Minister of South Korea
Finance Minister Hong Nam-ki posted a Forbes article that ranked South Korea as the third safest out of 100 countries around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Karin Prien
German Minister for Education, Science and Culture
Germany is very far ahead in the country comparison: "Compared to the other countries, Germany currently has the best security and stability ranking in Europe and is also one of the leading nations worldwide in terms of crisis management.

Judith Varga
Hungarian Minister of Justice
The latest IMF forecast sees Hungary registering the second smallest GDP drop in the EU, and we are the #4 State by European Covid19 Safety Countries Ranking, according to the research of the Deep Knowledge Group.

Fabrice Filliez
Ambassador of Switzerland to Singapore
Deep Knowledge Group's report, based on 130 parameters, ranks Switzerland #1 due to its economy’s resilience & careful ways to relax lockdown without sacrificing public health and safety.