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Financial Inclusion Industry

Global Landscape Overview 2018

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“Financial Inclusion Industry Landscape 2018” analytical report delivers tangible comparative analysis of 100 leading companies operating in developing world, and a classification framework for the core technologies driving progress in the industry and for understanding of a company’s current and future potential, which can be used to obtain a quantitative SWOT analysis and reasonable decision making.


  • 5 Core Technologies - Bio-identification, AI, Chatbots, Data Analysis, Blockchain

  • 4 subsectors: loans, payments, savings, insurance

  • 3 Technological Generations

  • 100 Companies comparative analysis

Executive Summary

The present report offers an overview of the FinTech for Financial Inclusion Industry Landscape 2018, with regional and comparative analysis of 100 companies, and a classification framework for the core technologies driving progress in the industry (which can be used to obtain a quantitative understanding of a company’s current and future potential).

Financial Inclusion Landscape 2018:  delivers a broad overview of the FinTech industry landscape, including coverage of 100 most active and advanced companies operating in developing world, and a summary of main trends that have emerged over the past several years, posed to shape the near-term future of the industry.

5 Core Technologies in FinTech Industry and 3 Technological Generations of FinTech Companies: this section pays particular attention to Artificial Intelligence and other advanced technologies such as Blockchain and their adoption by leading FinTech companies. It analyses the main use-cases of AI in the FinTech industry, and shows how Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning in particular are the predominant tools that are having the largest disruptive impact on the industry. It then outlines the main use-cases and companies utilizing AI for a variety of practical applications and subsectors, such as credit risk assessments, fraud-detection, advanced customer engagement and others being applied to such subsectors as Payments, Loans and Personal Financial Management.

Technological Application in Financial Inclusion Industry (Comparative Analysis): delivers tangible comparative analysis of FinTech for Financial Inclusion companies from a technological perspective, showing how a comprehensive analysis of a technological underpinnings and the extent to which incorporated the core enabling technologies identified in this report, can be used in order to quantitatively assess a given FinTech company's potential promise and possibility for growth. 
Technological trends and comparison overview of leading companies operating in the developing regions focused on main 
FinTech subsectors: loans, payments, savings, insurance: outlines main technological use-cases and concrete examples of leading companies operating in Developing World utilizing AI for Credit Risk Assessments (Loans), Risk Predictive analytics (Insurance), Fraud-detection systems (Payments), Behaviours based on customer spending patterns (Savings).

Table of Contents



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