Financial Inclusion Developing World Landscape Overview Q2/2018

Deep Knowledge Analytics, together with Future FinTech, produced a new updated edition of our previous “Developing World Financial Inclusion” analytical report. This new 467-page document, timed to Quarter 2 of 2018, provides a much deeper overview of industry and government initiatives, as well as major trends and a classification framework for the core technologies enabling the provision of financial services to the 2 Billion unbanked. It also outlines projections and predictions on the future of financial inclusion and “FinTech for Social Good” in developing regions, and considers these trends in convergence. Compared to our previous edition published in Quarter 1 of 2018, which used Africa as its main case study, this Q2 edition provides additional analysis of Latin America and Asia, and provides specific coverage of Impact Investors and FinTech Investors dedicated to Financial Inclusion. The report also profiles the 180 companies, their 400 investors, and 200 impact investors active in this field.
Besides charting the landscape of the “Financial Inclusion” sphere, this report gives particular attention to the set of emerging technologies that will accelerate the dynamic of development of this specific but very important niche of the FinTech industry, which is currently moving at the speed of regulatory change, but which will soon be progressing at the speed of technological change. These include Artificial Intelligence, Bio-identification technologies as proof-of-identity mechanisms, Blockchain-enabled infrastructures for secure and provable transactions, Chatbots to overcome illiteracy barriers, and Gamification as a tool for educating clients on FinTech platforms and interfaces, and to enhance user experience, satisfaction and engagement.
For further information please contact Ian Inkster at